Survey Mondays

Join us for our Survey Monday campaign! We’re asking supporters to take just two consumer surveys every Monday to raise money for our camp programs. It’s a way to give without opening your checkbook! If you can’t commit to two surveys a week, please consider giving $1 per week, or $52 per year. It’s easy! Get started with just a few short steps:

1. Fill out the form below to let us know you’re taking part in the campaign.

2. Join the Facebook group so that we can remind you to take your surveys on Mondays.

3. Visit up an account, and start taking surveys!

Pledge to take the survey

To pledge to take 2 surveys or $1 per week, sign up below:

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    I pledge to: Take two surveys every weekDonate $1 every week ($52/year)